Saturday, December 3, 2016

new title from little bear publishing house

the holidays are here and so is our annual holiday children's story, ever and the orange
ever and the orange is a story about a tree swallow named ever (born in an evergreen tree) who decides that instead of migrating with her family this winter, she will stay behind with her friend, sue the squirrel, and when everyone leaves and they are lonely because all is quiet, they hear an a-choo and meet a caterpillar with the sniffles who tells them about a snow yeti up on the mountain who grants wishes.

featuring: a tree swallow named ever
sue, the squirrel
lynn, the caterpillar
orange, the snow yeti/orangutan

hardcover. 34 pages. order by december 10th to get shipping by christmas!

happy holidays!

Friday, October 28, 2016

happy 10th birthday to us! & happy halloween!

if someone could make this, that'd be great....

that is correct! my first baby is turning 10! this october marks 10 years since i first scribbled "little dipper ink" on the back of a book. for the first handful of years, all of our books were handmade, and it wasn't until four years ago in 2012 that i started publishing books online. it's pretty awesome to see pictures from the first chicago book expo we attended back in november of 2013 when we only had six books in print, and to compare that to now when we currently have somewhere...around thirty? (not too good at the maths), as well as a new imprint (little bear publishing house).

help us celebrate by visiting our shop (follow the yellow brick link), and checking out some of the titles that we have to offer!

also, both little dipper ink editing & publishing services and little bear publishing house are accepting manuscript submissions, so if you would like to see your work or your child's work in print by the holidays, please email for more information, or check out our info page!

and of course, happy halloween from our gang to yours!

happy howl-o-ween! now give us our treats!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

lately in the little dipper! (excuse our dust and other stuff)

hello all and welcome back,

as you can probably already see, we've had some construction going on here in the little dipper as of late due to website renovations! now if you don't follow us on instagram (or if you don't have an instagram), you don't have to miss out! you can still check out all of our little posts and picture stories here on our website! (super high-tech!!).

since we've been under construction, there has been a lot going on. first and foremost, i would like to officially introduce our new up-and-running imprint press (and our baby): little bear publishing house!

since little dipper ink had so many children's books, i decided to devote a whole house to it. little bear also offers editing and publishing services for authors of children's books, including (but not limited to) children who write their own books! i'm so excited to devote more time and energy to the world of children's literature! if you want to know more about little bear, please visit us over at little bear publishing house

also, we have a new pocketbook of poetry here in the little dipper. i'm proud to announce that the book, sea anemone, is now available through our shop (view by clicking the link).

the sad news is that in the renovation (property bros., unite!) the previous blog posts had to be deleted, but i will be running them again throughout the year, so it'll be like finding a skittle on the floor of your van (a little treat that you had, but forgot about until now). 

one more important thing! once a year, we get up from behind the editing desk and go party! this year will be no different and little dipper ink (this time with little bear publishing house) will be at the 2016 chicago book expo which will be held on sunday, november 16 from 12-5pm at columbia college. this will be our fourth (or fifth?) year attending, and i really look forward to seeing all of our friends there!

